
Saturday 2 February 2013

A whole year without updates?

I know, I know. I've kind of neglected this blog for a while, but now we're back in bussiness.
Working on the game has been few and in between, so actually not that much has changed.
Really sorry about that, but I'm definitely going to continue working on this one until it is finished.

Anyway, if you didn't check the forums, the only mayor update you missed, is the introduction of the second party member:

“No sooner are you down the road than Goldilocks, that little toad, that nosy thieving little louse, comes sneaking in your empty house.”
Name: Miss Elouise
Title: Goldilocks
Age: 12
Likes: Cute things that are dangerous
Hates: Dangerous things that act cute
Has a tendency to: break into other people’s houses and steal (like a true RPG hero?)
A demo needs to come out this year, as well as hopefully a finished game by the end of the year. But definitely a demo. I will try and do my best. ^^